Friday, March 9, 2012

Long Time...

Hey everyone!

First off, let me apologize for not posting much on the blog these last few weeks. Truth is, I have been EXTREMELY busy planning out a bright and wondrous future for Knight Rider all across the world! I've also had some other developments which I'll get to later and I am very pleased to say my 30 years for $30.00 KRC book sale is going quite well. We're up to book #20 and 10 shy of that first Knight Rider Minimates giveaway to the owner of lucky book #30!

Speaking of updates, here's my BRAND NEW postcards for The Knight Rider Companion spotlighting the upcoming "30th anniversary of Knight Rider" in the fall! These new postcards not only feature a eye catching dual graphic front design but also have a newly designed El Mirage theme on the backside. No more technical car lineart this time around. I've taken my postcards back to where Knight Rider began - in the desert!

Also if you look closely you'll even see KITT racing in the background. These new postcards also feature a mirror-polish like gloss finish just like the real KITT! The only drawback is they show fingerprints more (Also like a real KITT) but that goes with the territory I guess.

Finally, I brought my Knight Rider Companion promotion into the modern age by adding my twitter account info ( @KRCompanion ) and a QR code you can scan with your cellphone apps that will take you right to the webpage! How cool is that?

Well that's going to do it for this particular update but we're just getting started on the list of new posts I'll be rolling out here in a second that will cover everything from my trip to El Mirage to some great reviews of my new favorite additions to my collection - the Diamond Select Toys Minimates and some unique photoshoots I did with their KR products! I'll close with another exciting reveal that is sure to get your attention!

Until the next time, good luck out there and remember one fan can make a difference!


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