Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Looking to the Future

   Welcome everyone to the first official post of my new blog. You might wonder why I came up with the name "Knightworks", well seeing as I am an artist who "works" on creating art and is part of a fantastic group called Knights of the West Coast not to mention a tremendous fan of Knight Rider, it seemed to fit best with what I wanted to create this blog for - a place to express my ideas, thoughts, and share my art with people who want to see what I'm up to and perhaps peek more into my creative process along the way.

As we move through the remainder of 2011, it dawns on me to think about what the future holds. Through various trials and tribulations, my faith and purpose in continuing to contribute to the world of Knight Rider has often been shaken or tested. With these thoughts in mind, I spend many days and hours re-evaluating my goals and objectives. It is because of amazing friends out there who continue to support and respect my efforts that I'm still here taking the time to create new things, just like this blog here.

"Looking to the Future"

Four words with such powerful meaning. A bright future? A dark future? A lonely future? A happy future? The choices we make today impact what our future will become even if certain challenges and events arise that are beyond our control. So when I reflect on "looking to the future" with respects to Knight Rider, I see my brother Daniel Trujillo Jr. and I gazing to the next impossible dream to capture and how much work it's going to take to get there.

As the 30th anniversary of Knight Rider looms off in the far horizon of September 26th, 2012 - Dan and I have thought to ourselves, "what's next?" We've seen and attended various Knight Rider themed events and contributed our own efforts along with our KOTWC members to expanding a world we both love. From graphics to television show contributions, to building contacts and special relationships with the cast/crew we admired from afar, as fans who have done so much already, we're left with answering that crucial question.

Well, while I cannot reveal our answer at this time I can tell you that what we're are trying to do is take this passion for Knight Rider to another level and in doing so hopefully provide the fans out there worldwide with a new opportunity to get even closer to the world they admired from afar on television screens nearly 30 years ago.

The future looks bright and colorful but like this image suggests, the present is sketchy and undefined. I made this image in Photoshop using various filter effects to get just the right mix of sketch and fully rendered brilliance to signify that you must first begin with a rough sketch before you can reach the finalized picture.

The challenge that I've set before me seems unreachable but I am bound and determined to reach for the stars and capture my dreams not by myself, but with a loving and supporting team to pick me up when I feel down and take the risks and gambles together in order to share in the rewards that come later. Unity, not fragmentation.

With all that being said, I think you can really grasp what this image means and why it was created. This is the future I see when I close my eyes and dare to dream.

"One man's dream, becomes two."


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